Wednesday 10 July 2013

MMORPG Project: School of Chaos

This game is a funny looking game with graphics that looks like it came out of paint. It is available on Android and iOS. BUT thats why it's appealing as well. You are a student of a school that has been invaded by zombies and there are now no more teachers. Thus school kids start forming gangs and attacking everyone, basically an open world PvP. Now heres a very short intro of the game

The Basics:

My character's inventory :D


There are three NPCs that look like they're players:

From left to right -
Book Hord - Buy skills for a stronger attack move (Damage is multiplied according to the skill)
Toy Smuggler - Buy weapons and armor. (I'd advise not to buy the throwable weapons, ammo: 25 only)
Business Boy - Buy potions and bags. (Trade name tags to increase your strength/health/energy levels)


The map of the school.

The map is very useful to finding where your next quest is.


Questing: Whenever you see a NPC waving their hands like in the picture it means they have a quest for you.

Questing is one of the best ways to receive name tags, these are used to level up or to increase your strength, health or energy.


Tips and advice:

The first thing you should buy is a bag and save up for the biggest bag.

Whenever you pick up loot and it is a weapon or armor, it cannot be equipped, so you should sell it right away.

NEVER Buy the repair kit to repair your items. To best way to repair your item is to sell the item to the NPC and then buy it again. You save A LOT of money, do the math yo ;)

Earning money is easy in this game so don't horde your money, buy the next best weapon whenever you reach the level requirement and buy the next best WEAPON one tap skill (leave the hand combat skills last). Amour is optional but its okay to not have any until around level 8.

Your main goal is to level up, saving up name tags in the earlier levels is not a good idea because the higher level you are the more amount of name tags you get from high level quests. The amount of name tags needed to level increases each level but not health/strength/energy level ups.


Fast Leveling up guide (Getting name tags):

In this game there is a lot of running around and due to energy restrictions it takes up a large amount of your time. But when you die and respawn with an accepted quest, the moment you leave the rest area you go to the room where your quest characters/zombies are.

1. Go attack some high level character and die.
2. Accept a quest.
3. Leave the rest area and you are loaded to the quest area.
4. Start killing the characters/zombies your quest requires you to and pick up their loot.
5. Look around the room and try and kill other characters for extra name tags until you die (It's okay if you don't kill anyone)
6. You have respawned back into the rest area, now sell your loot and accept a new quest and start from step 3.

Now sometimes there are ads that play after you die but it is much shorter than the amount of time going to and from the rest area to your quest area.

That's all thanks for reading!


  1. My brother said you get potion or elixir for energy, but what

  2. My brother said you get potion or elixir for energy, but what
